

Sky Kitchen-Suzhou Meets Venice


苏州,人间天堂,东方的威尼斯。威尼斯,近千年来,是欧洲商业与艺术重镇,对于艺术、文学及建筑,至今都有巨大的影响力。新光天地苏州七楼,搭建起大剧场般的「天空厨房」,让苏州遇见威尼斯不仅跨越古今,连结了两个传奇城市的饮食和生活,也连结了东方和西方, 文化和创新。

Suzhou is heaven on earth, Venice of the East. For thousands of years, Venice has been an important city of commerce and arts in Europe. Its influence on art, literature and architecture can still be seen now. On the 7th floor of Shin Kong Place Suzhou, build a "Sky Kitchen" as grand as a theatre, let Suzhou meet Venice, not only will it cross over the ancient and modern world, it also connects the food and life of these two legendary cities,  this will be the link between the East and the West in culture and innovations.